Meat has been an important part of our diet. Most of the sumptuous dishes are made from meat. It is also a rich source of protein, minerals, and vitamins. But with these benefits, it is important to note that there is a big difference between the types of meat consumed by us. In other words, not all types of meat are the same. They differ in not just the taste but the nutritional value differs as well. 

At ShopExpress, an online supermarket in Zimbabwe, we bring you all the differences between the two types of meat to help you choose a diet that best suits your lifestyle and body requirements. 

What is the difference anyway? 

White meat is meat that comes from sources such as poultry. These include meat such as duck, chicken, turkey, and others. This also includes seafood such as fish, and others. 

Red meat, on the other hand, includes pork, lamb, beef, and other similar types of meat. 

The names, as you would know by now, is simply because of the colour of the meat. But there’s a lot more to it than just the colour of the meat. 

Unsaturated/Saturated Fats

Fats can either be unsaturated or saturated. While unsaturated fats can lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol, saturated can raise the risk of heart disease by adding bad cholesterol to your body. 

Interestingly, Red meat has more saturated fats than white meat. White meat is leaner and has lesser calories, than red meat. Studies have linked high red meat consumption to an increased risk of heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

So it becomes important to monitor the quantity of red meat you consume.

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The building blocks of your body ― Proteins, are an important part of your diet. White meat again has more proteins than red meat. Simply put, you will be getting more proteins by consuming the same amount of white meat as you would from red meat. 

Minerals and Vitamins 

Here things even out, and in some cases red meat has a higher ratio of minerals and vitamins than white meat. 

While white meat has higher amounts of vitamin B6, and niacin, red meat, significantly, is a better source of iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.

Differences due to cooking methods 

The preparation of Red meat-based dishes often involves cooking at higher temperatures and for longer periods than white meat, which can lead to the formation of harmful compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds can increase the risk of cancer. 

However, if you are going to cook white meat at high temperatures, it can also produce HCAs and PAHs.

Wrapping Up ― Balanced diet, the secret sauce 

We can compare most foods, and bring out a list of differences. The best remedy is opting to have a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, including both white meat and red meat, as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Moderation and variety are key to a healthy and sustainable diet.

Also, cooking methods such as baking, grilling or steaming can be preferred. 

At ShopExpress, we provide a wide variety of both red and white meat. You can plan your diet by including all types of food, sourced from this online supermarket, Harare. All products will be carefully packed and delivered swiftly straight to the comfort of your homes.